Informaticianul britanic-canadian, adesea prezentat drept „nașul” inteligenței artificiale, a estimat șansele ca AI să distrugă umanitatea în următoarele trei decenii.
## Main idea of the text:
Geoffrey Hinton, a leading figure in artificial intelligence often called the "godfather" of AI, believes there's a 10-20% chance that powerful AI could destroy humanity within the next 30 years.
He expresses this concern due to the unprecedented level of intelligence AI is rapidly achieving, comparing humans to three-year-olds in comparison. He worries about the potential for misuse and lack of control over increasingly intelligent AI systems, citing a historical lack of examples where a less intelligent entity successfully controls a more intelligent one.
The text highlights the serious risks associated with the rapid development of AI and emphasizes the need for careful consideration and control to prevent potential catastrophic consequences.
## Main idea of the text: Geoffrey Hinton, a leading figure in artificial intelligence often called the "godfather" of AI, believes there's a 10-20% chance that powerful AI could destroy humanity within the next 30 years. He expresses this concern due to the unprecedented level of intelligence AI is rapidly achieving, comparing humans to three-year-olds in comparison. He worries about the potential for misuse and lack of control over increasingly intelligent AI systems, citing a historical lack of examples where a less intelligent entity successfully controls a more intelligent one. The text highlights the serious risks associated with the rapid development of AI and emphasizes the need for careful consideration and control to prevent potential catastrophic consequences.